My name is Caitlin
I fell in love with newborn photography when I photographed both of my boys as babies. My sweet newborns grew into busy toddlers and then were independent little boys in the blink of an eye, so I often find myself looking back on the photographs, reminiscing about the quiet cuddles, the soft baby skin and the overwhelming sense of love and wonder I felt for the first time for this new little being. It is my mission to capture these moments for you - from the glow of pregnancy - to the first weeks soaking up all of the love and getting to know your new little human. Photographing the small details like their tiny little fingers wrapped around yours, their silky soft baby hair, their sweet little puckered lips. And from there, the transition from baby into an adventurous little toddler that is full of personality! I know how fleeting every stage with them is and how important it is to capture these moments to have as printed memories to cherish for a lifetime, and I would be honoured to do that for you.
Some thingsI love
dark chocolate
chamomile lavender tea
hikes in the mountains
calming, neutral palettes
"folk favourites" playlist on Spotify
linen textured anything
one on on connections
a glass of chardonnay